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Reduce stress, avoid headaches - save time and money.

Client had a Will which left property to the wrong people, as well as a real estate arrangement that was unworkable. I revised the estate plan to fulfill the Client's wishes and address future needs, creating Advanced DIrectives and a plan for Charitable Giving, saving the time, expense and future aggravation of an improperly executed Will being mired in the Probate courts for years.

Avoid the headaches and expense of Probate caused by a poorly written Will.

Knowledgeable Estate Administration avoids Probate and enables more of your hard-earned money and property to be quickly given to those you care about - not mired in the court system. 

Client Success Stories

Avoid Retirement Plan Tax Penalties

The value of Client's total estate is $500,000. Cost of Probate: 0 dollars. Claims paid to creditors: $250, out of total claims of $12,385. Court cost: 0 dollars. Estate is closed within 120 days.

Client forgot to roll over a distribution from a retirement plan and had to pay thousands of dollars in additional tax. I got a favorable Private Letter Ruling for Client from the Internal Revenue Service. Client was able to file amended tax returns and obtained over $38,000 in tax refunds.

Saved a Client $12,000 and Tax Court Litigation with a twenty minute phone call to the IRS.

Avoid Tax Court and dealing with the I.R.S.

Call today to see how I might be able to help you - 614-499-9825.  

Offering a Free Initial Consultation at your Home or Office.
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